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Denniz Pop

настоящее имя:  Dag Volle
родился 26 апреля 1963 года в Стокгольме
исполнители, c которыми он работал. Dr. Alban, ACE OF BASE, Leila K., BACKSTREET BOYS, ‘N SYNC, FIVE, SOLID HARMONY, ARMY OF LOVERS, REDNEX, Herbie, Real McCoy, E–TYPE, 3T и многие другие

"...Он выступал практически во всех ночных заведениях Стокгольма, его любили и ставили в пример. Для многих подростков запоминающийся образ Dagge послужил толчком для того, чтобы стать ди–джеем. За примером далеко ходить не требуется. Другой знаменитый шведский ди–джей Роберт Уотц (Robert Watz), участник дуэта ROB’N’RAZ, работавшего в конце 80–х годов с Leila K., сладостно вспоминая о своей молодости, отметил, что для них с коллегой Расмусом Линдуоллом (Rasmus Lindwall) пример Dagge оказался очень заразительным. Он был лучшим ди–джеем во всей Швеции, и на него хотелось походить.

Но для Дэнниза широкое признание в одном деле оказалось явно недостаточным событием. В 1985 году вместе с друзьями–ди–джеями он затеял создать в Стокгольме компанию, которая бы занималась исключительно ремиксами известных танцевальных композиций, наподобие DMC (Disco Mix Club) в Британии или US Disconet. И в самом начале 1986 года была торжественно открыта студия компании "Swemix" (иногда они подписывались и Remixed Records), основателями которой выступили Дэнниз Поп, Рене Хедемайр (позже прославившийся ремиксами песен ROXETTE), Стоунбридж, Эмиль Хелльман (ремикшер ARMY OF LOVERS), Роб Бэлоу и некто Джей Джей. В апреле того же года компания выпустила тиражом всего 300 экземпляров свою первую компиляцию "Remixed Records #1", на которой был трек Дэнниза Попа "Female Intuition". Сейчас эта сборка является классикой шведской танцевальной сцены и, естественно, большим раритетом из–за чудовищно малого тиража (после первого выпуска оригиналы были сознательно уничтожены).

Компания расширялась, и очень скоро ее основатели и главные работники стали одними из самых востребованных мастеров ремиксов на мировом музыкальном рынке. И Дэнниз Поп был во главе этой славной команды энтузиастов своего дела. Его ремикс песни SOUL II SOUL "Keep On Movin’’ просто сногсшибателен, а его переделка знаменитого хита Майкла Джексона "Billie Jean" с замедлениями вообще уникальная для того времени вещь. В Швеции до него никто так не поступал с классикой поп–музыки! А прибавьте к этому еще и потрясный ремикс HUMAN LEAGUE "Don’t You Want Me", где по ходу завывания Поп поменял местами женский и мужской вокал, создав тем самым подобие спора, и вырисовывается ясная картина — Дэнниз и его коллеги пользовались очень нестандартными методами и пытались вернуть интерес даже к заведомо "невкусным" вещам. Все три означенных ремикса плюс S.O.S. BAND "Just Be Good To Me" и Kraze "Let’s Play House" были выпущены на отдельном 5–трековом сингле "Denniz Pop’s Greatest Remixes".

Еще одним фирменным блюдом на музыкальной кухне нашего героя были мегамиксы. Особо отметим его мегамикс лучших композиций проекта EARTH, WIND AND FIRE, который, выйдя опять же только в Швеции мизерным тиражом, быстро распространился по всему миру в виде бутлега. К тому же Дэнниз не гнушался делать клубный промоушн мегамиксов и медли (medley) других компаний.

К концу 80–х авторитет ремикшеров из "Swemix" приобрел общеевропейские масштабы. Спрос на совместную работу со шведами в несколько раз превышал их возможности. К тому же многие начинающие музыканты грезили желанием найти в лице Дэнниза и его товарищей надежную опору для записи, продюсирования и раскрутки их будущих записей.

И, трезво оценив обстановку, в 1987 функционеры "Swemix" открыли лейбл под таким же названием. Первым его пробным релизом стал сингл Дэнниза Попа "Gimme Some Mo’ (Bass On Me)" с обилием сэмплов. И только после предварительных маркетинговых расчетов в 1989 году лейбл Swemix Records стал заключать контракты с молодыми артистами, предварительно разделившись на две части: SweMix Records & Publishing и SweMix Production. Первыми талантами, которых открыл SweMix, были daYeene, Kayo и Dr. Alban. Дебютный сингл "Hello Africa" последнего, который продюсировал лично Дэнниз Поп, принес первую и весьма важную победу молодого шведского лейбла на мировом музыкальном рынке. Имена Dr. Alban и Denniz Pop получили мировую прописку. Затем они записали вместе еще три альбома, и Dr. Alban был просто счастлив, что судьба свела его с Дэннизом.

Между тем, в 1991–92 годах SweMix стал еще более разветвпенным предприятием. Сначала отпочковался "Remixed Records DJ Service", затем компания SweMix Records & Publishing разделилась на Cheiron Records Дэнниза Попа, Тома Таломаа, Макса Мартина и Кристиана Лундина и SweMix Production остальных бывших сподвижников Попа.

В новое для себя качество автора песен Дэнниз вступил, написав для молодой, никому тогда еще не известной шведской группы ABBA, простите, конечно же, ACE OF BASE, песню "All That She Wants". Песня, как известно, прогремела на весь мир, а первоначально выпущенный в Скандинавии альбом "Happy Nation", позже был разбавлен еще несколькими вещами Дэнниза и под именем "Sign" стал самым продаваемым дебютным альбомом всех времен и народов (22 миллиона экземпляров). Это был триумф шведской поп–музыки и ее главного продюсера, который уже в следующем 1994 году явил миру дебютные альбомы еще двух его талантливых соотечественников — Leila K. и E–TYPE.

В 1995 году вместе со вторым альбомом ACE OF BASE "Bridge", новым диском ARMY OF LOVERS и синглами Herbie, REDNEX и Real McCoy Дэнниз попробовал заняться продюсированием бой–групп и преуспел вместе с Максом Мартином в работе над дебютным альбомом новых кумиров девчонок всей планеты BACKSTREET BOYS. Позже был ‘N SYNC, второй альбом E–TYPE и перелет через Атлантику, в Лос–Анджелес, где в студии Майкла Джексона закипела работа над дебютным альбомом его племянников из 3T, а также тесное сотрудничество с самим Майклом Джексоном над его новым альбомом, который еще не появился.

И, наконец, в последние два года Дэнниз был поглощен разработкой имиджа, написанием песен и продюсированием новой бой–группы из Британии FIVE и свежих "специй" из SOLID HARMONIE, равно как и занимался сольной карьерой талантливой шведской девушки Джессики Фолкер, которая одно время танцевала и была на подпевках у Dr. Alban и ACE OF BASE, при том, что имела свой неповторимый голос. В декабре прошлого года он узнал от врачей, что болен раком. Через неделю ему сделали операцию, и вроде бы дела пошли на поправку. Впрочем, давно заслуженную награду "Special Honour Award", которая была присуждена ему вместе с Максом Мартином за особые достижения в пропаганде шведской музыкальной культуры во всем мире, Дэнниз лично получить не смог. Был слаб. Но вся Швеция говорила, что никто, кроме их с Мартином, не достоин такой чести, ведь только благодаря таким людям эта скандинавская страна стала третьей самой большой музыкальной державой (после США и Великобритании) по количеству звезд с мировыми именами.

В июле ему стало совсем плохо. И все лето Дэнниз боролся с роковой болезнью. В воскресение 30 августа он скончался в больнице "Karolinska Sjukhuset". На торжественной церемонии похорон этого великого человека, которая состоялась в пятницу 11 сентября, присутствовали почти все музыканты, с которыми когда–либо работал Дэнниз, представители абсолютно всех звукозаписывающих компаний Швеции, родственники и друзья. Дженни Берггрен (из ACE OF BASE) исполнила над его могилой жизнеутверждающий гимн "Don’t Be Afraid". Дэнниз умер, но он жив в памяти его любимой женщины, с которой они прожили душа в душу гражданским браком, их 11–летнего сына, матери и сестры Дэнниза и миллионов людей со всего мира, которые не могут жить без его музыки...".

credits: Музыкальная газета



Max Martin

Birth name Karl Martin Sandberg
Born             February 26, 1971 (age 37)
Origin             Stockholm, Sweden
Genre(s) Pop
                        pop rock
Occupation         songwriter

Martin Karl "Max Martin" Sandberg (born February 26, 1971) is an ASCAP-awarded and Grammy-nominated,[1] Swedish pop-dance music producer and songwriter. He was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and is best known by his artistic name Max Martin. As a producer and songwriter, he crafted a string of worldwide hits for pop artists like the Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Britney Spears, Marion Raven, P!nk, Swedish starlet Robyn and the Swedish eurodance star E-Type among many others, in the mid/late '90s to mid 2000s.

His trademark is a bouncing, piano/synth-heavy pop sound that mixes music styles such as Europop and Italo house with classic American Bandstand pop arrangements. However, with Kelly Clarkson's hits "Since U Been Gone" and "Behind These Hazel Eyes", which propelled Max back into the spotlight in 2004, he reinvented himself with a new pop rock sound.

Early life and career

Martin Sandberg grew up in Stenhamra, Ekerö Municipality, a suburb of Stockholm. As a teenager he sang in several bands before joining a glam-style metal band called It's Alive in 1985 as their singer and frontman. It's Alive were formed by ex LAZY members Per Aldeheim and Kim Björkgren on guitars, and John Rosth who had been a member of Lineout. Martin eventually dropped out of high school to pursue a career in music with his band under the nickname "Martin White". In 1988 they participated in the national rock championships and also played as the in-house band at a disco in Cyprus. The band got a breakthrough in 1991, as Dave Constable of Megarock Records offered them to make a demo-record. The later debut album was originally pressed in 1,000 copies and later on given away as a free cover tape in the UK by the Metal Forces magazine.

The decision to focus on a music career paid off as they landed a record deal on producer Denniz PoP's label Cheiron Records, a BMG affiliate. After recording their second album Earthquake Visions, they released three singles in conjunction with the record (including "I'm Your Man" which featured the bonus cut of a cover of KISS' "Parasite") and toured through Europe in 1994 supporting Kingdom Come. Earthquake Visions eventually sold a disappointing 30,000 copies, despite being released in as many as 30 countries. More importantly though, Martin also began collaborating on songs with PoP. Recognising a talent for writing pop songs in the young rocker, PoP renamed his new charge Max Martin and eventually became Martin’s mentor.

Working with Cheiron and Denniz Pop

"I didn't even know what a producer did, "I spent two years day and night in that studio trying to learn what the hell was going on." - Max Martin , March 19, 2001[2]

In 1992 Martin was hired by Cheiron Studios and spent some time learning the basics, before the first production collaboration between Pop and Martin: the Rednex song "Wish You Were Here" in 1995. They both worked on Ace of Base's second album The Bridge shortly thereafter, as well as on albums by 3T, Army of Lovers and Leila K. To date, The Bridge has sold more than six million copies worldwide, including two million in the United States. When Martin eventually left his band It's Alive in late 1995, he was replaced by Anders Jansson.

In 1996, the Cheiron Studios was hired by Zomba to work on Backstreet Boys' self-titled debut album Backstreet Boys. Zomba became the main working partner since the success in 1995. Martin took part in the production of "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)", co-written with Herbie Crichlow, a single which quickly went platinum and climbed to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as the singles "As Long As You Love Me" and "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". The album was not released in the U.S. until 1997, but was released overseas and caught on all across Europe, eventually selling around 8 million copies worldwide. This led to the Backstreet Boys being relaunched in their home country later on, this time more successfully. Later that year, Martin also co-produced Robyn’s hit "Show Me Love" which ended up on the Billboard top 10.

In 1998, Cheiron Productions worked on albums by 5ive, *NSYNC, Bryan Adams and Jessica Folcker. Jessica Folcker had first been hired as a backing singer for tracks with Ace of Base and Dr. Alban, and her debut album Jessica became an instant hit with singles like "Tell Me What You Like" and "How Will I Know Who You Are" which both sold platinum. After Denniz Pop died of cancer that same summer, Martin took over as director of Cheiron Studios. He soon started working with writer/producer Rami Yacoub, who has been his partner since. A few months after he started working with Rami, he also teamed up with Jay Orpin (main composer of such artists as Hawthorne Heights) in late 1998 to start production of the Backstreet Boys' next album Millennium.

Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears

1999 was a big year for Martin. He wrote, co-wrote and co-produced 7 out of the 12 songs on the album Millennium by the Backstreet Boys. "I Want It That Way", written and co-produced by Martin, became the group's biggest single to date and it is still popular today ("I Want It That Way" was voted #10 in the MTV/Rolling Stone list of the "100 Greatest Pop Songs."[3]). Millennium sold over 1.1 million units in its first week in the United States, setting a record for most albums sold in its debut week (that record was later beaten by the band's next album Black & Blue), and was the #1 best-selling album in the world in 1999.

The same year, Martin also wrote Britney Spears' 1998 international hit "...Baby One More Time" for her debut album with the same name, (this hit single was originally offered to both the Backstreet Boys, who turned it down, and TLC, who passed because they were 'taking time off'[4]). Both albums (Millennium and ...Baby One More Time) have sold around 14 million copies each in the U.S. to this date, certifying Diamond Status. Also, within a year of its release, ...Baby One More Time had become the best-selling LP by a teenager in history and the debut hit single remains Spears' biggest U.S. (and international) hit to date. Martin was the first non-American citizen ever to win ASCAP's prestigious award "Songwriter of the Year" in 1999.

When working on her own solo album, to be released in 2001 on Stockholm Records, Lisa Miskovsky wrote the text for Backstreet Boys new hit single "Shape of My Heart" with Max Martin and Rami. The song, originally written for Miskovsky’s own album, was passed along to the Backstreet Boys by Max Martin when Miskovsky determined it did not fit her style. The song became the first single off the group's new album Black & Blue. In the first week of release, "Shape of My Heart" immediately jumped into the Top Five in Sweden (#1), Norway (#1), Canada (#1), Germany (#2), Switzerland (#4), Austria (#5) and Holland (#5). Black & Blue, containing several songs produced and written by Martin, sold 1.6 million units in its first week in America. Martin again received ASCAP's award "Songwriter of the Year" both in 2000 and 2001,[5] and is the first songwriter ever to receive the award three years in a row.

Producer role for Cheiron

The traditional division of work in the record industry typically has the artist writing the songs and then hiring a producer to help shape the sound. At Cheiron it was the other way around; the producers wrote the songs, played the instruments, engineered and mixed the recordings and the artist was only brought in near the end of the process to do the vocals. For example, on Britney Spears's second album Oops!… I Did It Again, Cheiron had already written seven songs and had proceeded to record the layers of music before Britney even arrived at the studios. It took her only one week to do the vocals. Martin and his team worked more like a band that alternated singers. Martin explained his working method:“ I want to be part of every note, every single moment going on in the studio. I want nothing forgotten, I want nothing missed. I'm a perfectionist. The producer should decide what kind of music is being made, what it's going to sound like--all of it, the why, when and how. - LA Times, 6/05/00 ”

Startup of Maratone

Despite the success, Cheiron Studios was closed down in 2000. The reason behind the decision to close it down was, according to the press release on their homepage, that the heart and soul of the studio had been lost with the death of Denniz Pop. Another reason for closing the studio down was for the people at Cheiron Studios to be able to do more experimental music work without the weight of the now infamous name Cheiron upon their shoulders.

Max Martin and Tom Talomaa started a new production company together named Maratone in January 2001. Also, David Kreuger and Per Magnusson started A Side Productions and Kristian Lundin started the production-company The Location and the publishing-company Location Songs together with Jake Schulze and Andreas Carlsson (both also members of Cheiron's production team) at the same location as Cheiron Studios. The first songs to be written and produced at Maratone were four tracks for Britney Spears' third album Britney. The Maratone production crew now consists of producers/songwriters Max Martin, Rami, Alexandra and Arnthor. Following the work with Celine Dion on the album One Heart in 2003, few new hits appeared from Maratone until 2005. The next single, "Behind These Hazel Eyes", actually reached the Top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 while the single "Since U Been Gone" was still on the chart.

Kelly Clarkson goes to Sweden

In 2004 former American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson travelled to Sweden to collaborate with Max Martin and Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald on songs for her album Breakaway. They decided to make songs that were rockier than anticipated by the fans, as can be heard on the hit singles "Since U Been Gone" and "Behind These Hazel Eyes". "Since U Been Gone" became a huge hit and remains the biggest hit of Clarkson's career, and one of the biggest hits of 2005. The next single, "Behind These Hazel Eyes", actually reached the Top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 while the single "Since U Been Gone" was still on the chart.

Writes songs with Marion Raven

In 2005 Max Martin collaborate with the Norwegian singer Marion Raven for the release of her debut album entitled "Here I Am", writing the song "Break You" and writes with Raven the song "End Of Me", both were a hit in almost everybody but especially in Asia, Europe and Latin America positions in the first sites in popularity this year, far in 2007 "Break You" was included again in the Raven's album called "Set Me Free" but before the American singer Megan McCauley did a cover of that song in 2006.

P!nk and Backstreet Boys

In 2005, Martin collaborated on 4 of the 12 songs on Backstreet Boys' comeback album Never Gone, including "Climbing The Walls", "Just Want You To Know", "Siberia" and the melancholy love song "I Still...", a trademark song for the Backstreet Boys. Martin wanted the album to be more of a contemporary, alternative pop album with a little R&B. The resulting album had a more organic music style with more live instruments, and a departure from The Backstreet Boys' earlier work.

Martin also wrote and produced songs for P!nk's very successful and critically acclaimed platinum selling fourth album I'm Not Dead. Worldwide the album was the tenth biggest selling album of 2006, going top 5 in the UK, and platinum and top ten in the United States, and number one in Australia and Germany. In Australia the album had 6 top five singles, and sat at number one for a great many weeks, and a record 62 weeks in the top 10, and went 9 times Platinum. Even as of June 2008 the I'm Not Dead album returned to the Australian Top 40 ARIA charts where it still remains - a total of 102 weeks in the Australian Top 40 thus far. Martin also collaborated with P!nk for her fifth studio album, "Funhouse," due October 2008. Martin produced the first single, "So What."

In a recent interview Nick Carter of the backstreet boys said that they have gone to Sweden to get songs for their new album from Martin.

Writing and Producing Hits for Britney Spears

Martin has worked on Spears' first three studio albums which were made in the style of teen-oriented pop. However, when Spears recorded her 2003 album In the Zone (considered to be a very sexual album with less teen-pop and more dance, R&B and urban pop), she decided to move away from the teen-pop genre she was so closely associated with. The duo ended up parting ways, and Martin had no input on that album nor on her 2007 album, Blackout. At the request of Spears, Martin is now producing and writing for Spears' new album "Circus", set for release on Spears' birthday, December 2.

Credits: Wikipedia



Johnny Wright (music manager)

Johnny Wright is a successful American music manager. He has managed groups including New Kids on the Block, the Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, the solo acts Janet Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Stevie Brock, Ciara, and The Jonas Brothers.

In 2003, he appeared as a judge on the NBC talent/reality show, Fame, hosted by one of his own managed talents, Joey Fatone of *NSYNC.

In 2004, Wright teamed up with Sean "Diddy" Combs for the third season of Making the Band. After an unsuccessful first attempt, a band was finally chosen (Danity Kane). Wright had served as the girls' manager. He now manages the newly assembled Latino boy band Menudo.

In the August Issue of Billboards Magazine, It was stated that Wright is the new manager of R&B singer Ciara. The magazine went on stands August 1.

credits: Wikipedia



Lou Pearlman

Louis Jay Pearlman (born June 19, 1954) was known in the 1990s entertainment business for being the manager of famous American boy bands the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync (both of which later sued him, but settled) and later for being the owner of controversial talent scouting companies Wilhelmina Scouting Network aka Trans Continental Talent (fraud investigations were dropped after bankruptcy) and Fashion Rock/Talent Rock (sold by State receiver).

In 2006, it came to light that Pearlman had perpetrated one of the biggest and longest running Ponzi schemes in American history, leaving more than $300 million in debts. For more than 20 years Pearlman enticed individuals and banks to invest in Trans Continental Airlines Travel Services Inc. and Trans Continental Airlines Inc., which existed only on paper. Pearlman used falsified FDIC, AIG and Lloyd's of London documents to win investors' confidence in his "Employee Investment Savings Account" (E.I.S.A.) program and he used fake financial statements created by a fictitious accounting firm Cohen and Siegel to secure bank loans.

On May 21, 2008, Pearlman was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison, after pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and making false statements during a bankruptcy proceeding. U.S. District Judge G. Kendall Sharp gave Pearlman the chance to cut his prison time, by offering to reduce the sentence by one month for every million dollars he helps a bankruptcy trustee recover. He also ordered individual investors are to be paid before institutions in distributing eventual assets.



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Gary Baker


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